Monday, December 15, 2014

My Journey with Cancer Day 1 December 15th, 2014

The dreaded C word. Nobody asks to be in this position. Who the hell invited you to invade my body (twice) and try and take away what I absolutely cherish, LIFE. Well I got news for you cancer. You can scare, you can create fear, you can take away life from people's family and friends, you can create heartache and you can create pain as you have for all of the above for me. So yeah, you knocked me to my knees again but I have this quiet little side to me that will shake the fear off, get back up, look you in the eye and fight back with everything I got. Ok so maybe I watched too many Rocky movies as a kid but I won't give up in honor of myself, my friends and my family who have been amazing to me no matter what challenges I have faced in life. Those in Illinois and my family know exactly what I am talking about when it comes to August 1st, 1986. That will be explained more on August 1st, 2016, 30 years later. 

So as for this battle, today was my first day of chemo here at the Northfield Hospital and day 1 went pretty smooth and had the support of 2 great friends coming to visit me. It was a huge boost. Then my Brother from Florida flew in and is now staying with me for a couple of weeks which is great. I can't travel to see the rest of my family like I usually do for the holidays but will be with my Brother and some friends for Christmas if I feel ok. My family is always with me no matter where I am if only in spirit. 

I was given an anti nausea right from the start and plenty of fluids to help offset any side effects. My appetite is good and had lunch catered to my room. This week I go every day thru Friday so we will see how I feel after week 1 but so far so good. 

The picture above is the view I had from my room as I was all hooked up and beginning the chemo. It was a dreary, rainy, gray day outside but when I see this I think a little differently as I tend to take a view from a camera perspective. 

No matter how rainy, how cold, how gray, how muddy, how snowy, how hot, etc. I don't let that stop me from going outside and finding that perfect angle or view to get that next shot. 

I guess I use that type of mentality no matter what life throws at me. 

As I know this fight will get harder before it gets better so I will try and post as much as I can on this blog about this journey for those interested and to one day look back at this bump in the road of life. Thanks for your support! 

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